We’re a friendly bunch of incredibly committed professionals. You’ll probably struggle to find us on social platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook etc., most of us are busy engaging our customers or enjoying time with their family. Our way of working promotes solid recommendations, which keeps us busy to say the least! If you want to chat with us and discuss anything that you are aiming to build or need some advice on how to approach / improving your software engineering practice – do feel free to get in touch.
Diverse culture
We employ a really mixed team of top class people from all over the world
Everyone codes
Yes every single person in the team can code.
We hire veterans
Our veterans are our anchors. We're always keen to take on experts in their field - even if they are grumpy from time to time
Our average age is well into the late 40’s, we’re proud of that but we’re always looking for bright people in the early stages if their career to come and join us and make a difference. We’ve got a solid crew of engineers who have been at the forefront of tech for decades learning the best practices, but we’re all very much aware that the world we live in is constantly changing. Our business is evolving, our team is evolving